March 1, 2020

Simeon Sees Salvation

Passage: Luke 2:21-35
Service Type:

Simeon Sees Salvation – Luke 2:21-35
In Luke 2:21-35 there are five movements in this narrative portion of scripture:
1. Jesus was circumcised and named, v. 21.
2. Mary waited 40 days from the birth of her son, then purified, vv. 22-24.
3. Simeon waited for years, then saw the Lord’s Christ, vv. 25-35.
4. Joseph and Mary were amazed, v. 33.
5. Simeon blessed them, vv. 34-35
Application for our use:
1. Thank God that deliverance from sin is not by us obeying the laws of God.
2. Simeon’s own prophecy, “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word.” Wasn’t a death wish but was a confident proclamation of his assurance of salvation.
3. Simeon prophecy, “for mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of the people.”