January 26, 2020

Fear Not

Passage: Luke 1:26-33
Service Type:

Fear Not – Luke 1:26-33

As Luke continues Gabriel now goes to Mary to announce God’s plan. “Fear not Mary,” the angel said, because Mary was troubled and employed her wits about her to decipher whether this meeting was real or fake. Mary is given at least two reasons to not be afraid:

Thou has found favor with God (v. 30)
Thou shall conceive Jesus (v. 31)

Who is Jesus:

He shall be great (v. 32)
He shall be called the Son of the Highest (v. 32)
God shall give Him the throne of David (v. 32)
He shall reign over Jacob (v. 33)
His kingdom shall be no end (v.33)

Application: What is it that scares you the most? Be not afraid. For the non-Christian yet today, the scariest thing for you would be the wrath of GOD. But, there is good news. This angel announced Mary would give birth to a son named Jesus, who would be the great Savior of mankind. Jesus was given for the purpose of saving those who would put their trust and faith in Him. Will you believe Him.