August 4, 2019

Gospel Newness Pt 2

Passage: Colossians 1:1-8
Service Type:

Colossians 1:1-8 Gospel Newness
There was a newness of life in the lives of the Colossian Christians when the gospel was heard and believed. The following are three Apostolic Announcements about the newness which the gospel brings:
1. The Gospel Imparts New Perspective (vv. 1-2)
a. You live under divine authority (v. 1a)
b. You live under divine providence (v. 1b)
c. You live in spiritual relationships (vv. 1c-2a)
d. You live in divine enablement (v. 2b)
2. The Gospel Impels a New Process (vv. 3-6a)
a. The gospel plants hope (v. 5)
b. Hope spouts faith (vv. 4b-5)
c. Faith blossoms as love (vv. 4c-5)
d. Love scents the air with a fragrance of gratitude (v. 3)
3. The Gospel Illuminates a New Pathway (vv. 6b-8)
a. The gospel be heard (vv. 6b-8)
b. The gospel must be understood (v. 6c)
c. The gospel must be learned (vv. 7-8)