March 15, 2020

Jesus Grew Up

Passage: Luke 2:39-40
Service Type:

Jesus Grows Up – Luke 2:39-40
In these two verses, we observe the godly characteristics of parents and the summary statement of the childhood age of Jesus of Nazareth:
1. The Godly characteristics of parents, v. 39. “and when they had performed all things”, what were these things? First, the circumcision of the male child. Second, the purification of the mother. And third, The offering of a sacrifice.
2. The summary statement of the childhood age of Jesus, v. 40. In his growth, first, he “waxed strong in spirit”. Secondly, he “filled with wisdom”. And thirdly, “the grace of God was upon him.”
Application for our use:
1. How’s your parenting?
2. How’s your growth? Are you increasing in your knowledge of God?