February 9, 2020

Zacharias Song

Passage: Luke 1:67-79
Service Type:

Zacharias Song – Luke 1:67-79
In Luke 1:57-66 we hear Zacharias song. In his song, we find three revealing characteristics of the faithfulness of God throughout the history of mankind:
1. God’s promise to David (vv. 68-71) – This is the promise made by God to establish David’s dynasty and ensure its continuation. This is accomplished through the Messiah Jesus Christ.
2. God’s promise to Abraham (vv. 72-75) – He will make him a great nation and from the Jewish nation the entire earth will be blessed by the Messiah, the Savior of the world.
3. God’s new promise (vv76-79) – The New covenant thus provides the essential things that all the other covenant lacked – a new heart, power to obey God, fellowship with God, the Holy Spirit, and forgiveness of sin.
1. What was the cause of Zacharias uttering this song? The Holy Spirit gave him recollection of what he learned from his studies of the Old Testament. That is an exhortation for us today – to study the word of God, to learn the word of God, to memorize the work of God, to meditate upon the word of God.
2. Realize this – when it comes to redeeming souls, whose job is that? Its God’s. But that doesn’t let us off the hook – we’ve been given the privilege to proclaim the good news of Christ.
3. Notice how Zachariah fully trusted God’s promise. In the same way, we ought to place our trust in the promises of God for our future and for our eternity.