February 16, 2020

Johnny Grew Up

Passage: Luke 1:80
Service Type:

Johnny Grows Up – Luke 1:80

There are three aspects of John’s growth:

The child grew – This speaks to his bodily growth, obviously. We’re not told many details of his growing up years, but we’re told that he was full of the Holy Ghose even when he was in the womb.
Became strong in the spirit – This phrase refers to “the sense of development of moral character. John grew up, doubtless taking advantage of the rabbinical school in his neighborhood. Doubtless, too, he became increasingly impatient with the worldliness, carnality, hypocrisy, and formalism of the religious establishment.
Was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel – “In the desert” is an idiomatic expression. It doesn’t mean necessarily that he lived and grew up in the wilderness all his life. The idiomatic expression means he was in relative isolation as he grew up.


We need to mature in our walk with the Lord. Reach forth unto the things which are before you – pressing toward the mark of becoming more and more conformed to Christ.